
June 15, 2011

Camping Theme Party

Do you have a girlfriend that comes up with amazing party theme ideas? Me too! Recently she and another friend were discussing a camping theme party and I got that idea stuck in my head thinking of Maddycakes when she is older having a camping theme party! As I researched this party theme I saw so many cute ideas I just had to share with you, so pull up a camping chair and light a candle (because no one is starting a fire in this heat!) and let me show you what I found!

For a Maddycakes birthday party I would start with a vintage looking invitation like this one!

I love this welcome summer camp looking banner!

To help them feel like they are on a hiking trail in a state park, I'd make these adorable signs;

The kiddos would need something to eat so I would incorporate these vintage and rustic ideas into my food table like the burlap and trunks

Look at this adorable cake!!

The guests would definatly need to stay busy, so I would incorporate games like flashlight tag. 

This idea to watch a movie in personalized chairs with personalized blankets tops the cake for me!

Those little guests would probably want a snack during their movie and these "Happy Camper Crunch" snacks with Golden Graham cereal, marshmellows and chocolate chips would be yummy!

And ofcourse smore cake balls!

After a movie it's time for some scary stories around a campfire. If you plan this party in the winter you may want to bring your little guests inside to keep them safe and warm! If you do that individual personalized tents would be fantastic!

No campfire would be complete without smores!

This campfire scene cupcake that I found on Crissy's Crafts is adorable!

I hope this party has inspired you to host your own camping theme party and to my girlfriends who inspired this post, I hope I have given you some ideas!

If you would like for Circle The Date Events, LLC to create a party for your please e-mail us at Until Next Time...Happy Planning!

Pictures Courtesy of and Crissy's crafts.

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